
Log 30 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1611  1807  OID weak
1611  1933  OID Witte Tornado? (1610,95)
1620  1935  OID weak (1620,01)
1620  1946  OID good signal but 2 carriers 1620,00 & 1620,01
1633  1808  OID (1632,98)
1633  2100  Morgenster (1632,88)
1635  2128  Studio 69 R (1635,2-1635,8) drifting up
1641  1947  R Barones strong (1641,11)
1647  1807  OID Witte?
1647  1950  OID weak audio (1647,01)
1663  1936  Rambo R w fair signal (1662,98) QSO w each other, on and of
1663  1948  Romeo R much weaker (1662,99) QSO w each other, on and of
1663  2045  Real R (1663,00) QSO w Rambo, Romeo
5840  1048  R 319
5890  1336  R Batavia (5890,19)
6070  0700  Super Clan R, Rohrbach Waal
6070  0901  R DARC, Moosbrunn cd 0959
6070  0959  BCL News R, Rohrbach Waal
6085  0700  R Mi Amigo
6150  0854  R Marabu
6160  0835  Speedwing R (6159,98)
6220  1709  LHH
6235  2011  Baltic Sea R (6235,00)
6240  0838  R Casanova strong w greetz to LHU
6240  1722  R Casanova on again
6244  1743  OID from 6267 then moved up to 6262
6246  1746  OID from 6267, 6244, 6262
6255  1855  R Mousjager (6255,21) 
6262  1745  OID from 6244
6267  1710  OID RRN? (6266,86)
6284  1800  FRSH //7700 (6284,05) dropped some in fq later
6285  0953  OID strong (6284,94) cd 1003
6285  1705  OID Batavier, cd 1720
6290  1051  OID weak music, R Arizona on?
6295  0954  R Quadzilla w id just as I got there
6295  1709  Reflection Europe cd 2122
6300  2117  TRX R strong (6299,99) at 2124 moved to 6305
6305  0838  R Merlin played ZZ Top, using 20 w (6305,05)
6305  2324- TRX R from 6300 (6304,99)
6310  1905  Bogusman (6310,03)
6320  0658  OID 
6375  1733  OID R 102?
6375  2003  OID R 102? (6375,04)
6423  1733  Studio 52
6423  2101  Studio 52 (6422,98)
6445  2105  Zeewolf (6445,21) moved from 6450, cd 2116
6450  0837  ReadyMix played Accept
6450  2103  Zeewolf w Life is Life (6450,13) then moved -> 6445
7700  1752- FRSH //6284 (7700,01)
11845 1659 R Mi Amigo, Gavar  high power broadcast 100 kw
12255 1709 Reflection Europe

7259  1921  OID something on this odd fq 7258,61

5995  2158  RTV du Mali (5994,99) also carrier on 5995,02
7205  1923  Sudan R on aa 

4905  2146  Xizang been off for some time 
4920  2146  Xizang been off for some time
6130  2146  Xizang

5940  2150  R Voz Misionara (5939,80)
9665  2150  R Voz Misionara (9665,82)

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Loo outside Alingsås Sweden: 

6375  1715  OID 
6423  1715  Studio 52 played take me down to paradise city


Log 29 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1614  1959  OID odd carrier (1613,7)
1620  1846  Twentana started coming up w audio
1625  1913  Batavier
1630  1939  R Barones 
1636  1826  Keizer & Keizerin (1635,84)
1636  1911  OID QSO kompeting w K&K drifting down (1636,3->1635,8) cd 1913
1638  2149  Bluebird
1643  2040  OID 
1648  1904  R Moby Dick
1655  1939  R Dikke Bertha
1660  1905  OID 
1665  2003  OID 
1670  1930  Melkbus R
3920  2041  RPI strong
5840  1829  R 319 also w Mi Amigo/Luxemburg jingles (5839,99)
5870  2039  EDMR weak
6085  0837  R Mi Amigo
6150  0851  R Marabu
6205  0825  OID Tenerifa on spanish and english (not Coast FM)
6207  2009  R Barracuda (6207,5) on USB
6210  0801  R King SW (6210,3)
6210  1444  R Caroline (6210,2)
6210  2010  R Barracuda on USB
6220  0801  LHH
6235  1944- Baltic Sea R 
6265  0801  R Mexico cd 0813
6265  0902  OID weak same mx as Mexico
6285  1940  OID Batavier? on and off
6375  1949  OID 
6850  1826  R Arcadia weak
7310  0900  SW Service then nx
9510  0822  R City, Kostinbrod


Log 28 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1611  1658  OID cd 1700
1629  1926  OID Turftrekker
1633  1850  OID 
1635  1658  OID Havanna
1655  1849  OID 
3905  1851  R Skyline
6205  1947  Coast FM 
6220  1700  LHH
6240  1827  R Casanova
6270  1849  OID R Bella Italia weak (6270,2)
6285  1828  OID Batavier?
6305  1659  R Merlin
6725  1659  R Pioneer


Log 27 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1611  1955  OID 
1611 -2010  OID 
1615  1922  Batevier 
1620 -2100  OID 
1619  2100- OID 
1627  2058  OID 
1629  1922  Mike R id at 1934
1636  1922  Twentana 
1638  2058  OID 
1640  1953  OID (1639,85)
1644  2012- OID Mijnwerker? (1643,8)
1645  1932  OID (1645,1)
1661  1933  R Mustang (1660,85)
4915  1955  EDMR relay US station
6205  1928  Coast FM 
6220  1929  OID LHH
6255  1958  OID strong
6285  1948  OID strong
6660  1950  OID on LSB


Log 25 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1620  2042  OID
1630  2042  Marianne id at 2108
1633  2140  R Barcelona QSO Marianne 
1640  2042  OID (1639,8)
1640  2142  R Mijnwerker (1640,0) first 2 carriers 1639,8 (drifting up) and 1640,0
1663  2042  OID 
6205  2045  Coast FM
6220  2045  LHH
6230  2052  Baltic Sea R strong, on and off
6255  2043  R Vonkenboer id at 2103
6270  2043  Trans AM (6270,2) 
6305  2044  KR1 (6304,8)

6730  2047  OID SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng

on SWHC Kiwi-SDR in Holland: 

1647  2058  OID Pascal, only carrier in Sweden


Log 23 July 2017

From my new location
on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1616  1913- OID 
1620  2027  OID 
1629  1900- OID 
1636  1852- OID Dolfijn? cd 1859
1638  2013  OID Bluebird
1647  1700  OID Witte? early!
1655  2036  OID (1655,1)
1657  1845  R Digital (1657,1)
1663  1947  OID weak serb
1991  2033  OID swedish pirate w music
5840  1238  OID R 319 
6150  0656  R Marabu
6205  0649  Coast FM relay
6235  0646  OID RWI? faded away within 10 min
6245  1828  R Dr Tim (6245,4)
6260  1702  OID 
6265  1536- OID cd 1537 then carrier on and off
6285  1807  Zender Akenzo 
6295  1505  Reflection Europe 
12255 1534 Reflection Europe 

5845 -1659  BBC, Kranje

on SWHC Kiwi-SDR:

1485  1530  R Vrij Zwolle 

All logs made on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR from Nov 20, 2016 to May 31, 2017.


Log 22 July 2017

From my new location
on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1440  2110  Paradise FM
1611  1823  Turftrekker
1620  2041  R Digitaal (1620,2) cd 2057
1636  1851  Keizer & Keizerin (1635,7)
1648  1841  R Moby Dick
1655  1841  Batavier
1665  2048  OID 
1690  2104  OID greek
6150  1435  R Marabu
6205  1720  Coast FM relay
6210  0807  OID R King SW (6210,3)
6210  1705  OID R King SW (6210,3) on again, cd 1808
6220  1727  LHH
6240  1706  R Casanova 
6255  1741  Baltic Sea R BSR on AM Seaguls and all, cd 1759
6260  1832  OID at 1833 moved to 6270
6265  1841- R Ronalisa cd 1846 due to tech problem, back 1850-, cd 1918
6267  1630  OID comercials and .nl adresses
6270  1833- OID from 6260, then cd
6285  1707  Mike R on AM then USB/AM/FM
6285  1820  R Altrex "Mr Muh", cd 1848
6285  2043  R Mazda (6284,8)
6307  1629  Caroline R 
6326  1834  Technical Man strong (6325,8)

11695 1429 VOA Tinang w cd
11700 1430 Vatican R, Palauig-Zambalesw s/on

on SWCH in Holland: 

1635  0804  Havanna and carrier also on MKVK kiwi
1636  1625  OID K & K and carrier on MKVK kiwi


Log 21 July 2017

From my new location
on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1440  2145  Paradise FM non stop mx, id at 2243
1615  1843  Batavier
1620  1828  OID 
1620  2054  R Sapporo QSO
1625  2054  OID 
1630  2104  OID Uniek (1630,2) drifting down
1634  2118  OID Morgenster
1635  1942  OID 
1638  1936  Bluebird id then cd
1646  2225  OID 
1655  1828  R Relmus
1665  2014  OID 
3920  1814  Mike R 
6205  1820  Coast FM I think the ID was
6220  1826  LHH
6238  2035  R Enterhaken  
6245  2016  R Dr Tim (6245,35)
6255  2112  R Baltic Sea on USB
6270  2241  OID weak music
6282  1740  OID 
6290  1723  Aristona 
6295  1731  OID
6306  1916  kg broadcast (6305,7)
6306  2021  R Mr Cash (6305,9)
6423  1748  Studio 52
6725  1723  R Pioneer AM cd 1836
6940  2320  OID weak on USB


Log 14 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1611  1959  R Akai id at 2027 
1620  2049  OID 
1625  2045  R Pandora QSO Akai, cd 2048
1631  1957  OID 
1635  2000- R Batavier
1645  1957  OID 
1655  1956  R Relmus

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Alingsås Sweden:

5800  1906  OID (5800,1) not 319 as it seems, could not get clear id
6070  1802  Channel 292
6220  1704  LHH an hour later they were closed
6240  1820  OID strong
6257 -2103  Baltic Sea R
6260  1751  R Casanova 
6260  2126  AWRS 
6267  1902  R Mustang
6285  1823- OID (6284,7) slogan "Non stop Music"
6286  2102  R Titanic (6286,5)
6290  1700  Zwarte Panter 
6290  2058  R Panda cd 2118
6305  1902  OID 
6321  2036  OID (6321,1)
6390  2107  Blauwe Panter strong
6450  2104  ReadyMix (6449,5)
6725  1700  R Pioneer AM

6080  1818  VOA Selebi-Phikwe id just as I passed bye

Log 13 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1620  2208  OID Utopia?
1629  2309  OID 
1636  2208  OID strong
1645  2208  Studio 69 (1645,3)
1663  2207  Real R
1702  2300  OID Kolorado, Serb only music played
6260  2318  BSR weak on USB, w music and seagulls

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Alingsås Sweden:

3310  2352  R Mosoj Chaski
4810  2345  R Logos 
4955  2340  R Cultura Amauta
6135  2340  R Santa Cruz (6134,8)


Log 12 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1476  2048  Free R AM, Trieste
1611  1954  OID later one also on 1611,7 drifting up and cd 2017
1612  2023  OID back again
1620  1954  Columbia cd 2008
1620  2012- Columbia QSO cd 2017
1620  2015- R Batavia started also on fq
1629  2010  OID lots of splash from 1631, cd 2012
1631  1954  Edelkampioen id at 2010
1640  1954  OID 
1650  2005  OID greek
1690  1954  OID greek
1991  2119  OID Swedish pirate
5840  1958  R 319 strong
6205  1954  Coast FM
6220  2006  LHH
6260  2148  BSR Baltic Sea R on USB strong
6369  2104  R Republica da Banana strong (6369,1)

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Alingsås Sweden:

1991  2102  OID Swedish pirate
6369  2102  R Republica da Banana w latino mx


Log 10 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1625  1922  OID
1639  2017  OID ZP (1639,4)
1640  1922  OID 
1655  1922  R Relmus
6285  2018  OID (6284,7) 

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Alingsås Sweden:

1620  2245  Pandora 
1663  2245  OID serb
6285  2244  OID 


Log 9 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1611  1953  OID 
1620  1908  Weduwe also on 3240 and 4860 (1x and 2x1620) best on 3240
1620  2111  Twentana 
1629  2030  OID Rebel
1635  1920  Batavier
1638  2025  Bluebird
1645  1909  OID 
1646  2020  Zwarte Bizon
1647  1958  R Witte Tornado 
1656  1909  R Relmus
6070  1029  IBC 
6070  1337  R Northsea Int
6085  1005  R Mi Amigo wiching happy weekend
6150  1032  R Marabu
6180  1203  DWD
6205  0930  Atlantis FM
6205  1900  Coast FM 
6210  1835  OID R King SW (6210,3)
6212  1907  R Oscar Zulu 
6220  0930  LHH 
6240  1835  OID Anthony
6260  2051  AWRS
6282  1856  R Mr Cash
6284  0931  Bogusman (6284,3)
6295  1522  Reflection Europe
6319  1850  OID Black Bandit
7310  1001  SW Service then R Mi Amigo
11390 0928 Marconi R Int (11389,6)

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Alingsås Sweden:

6260  1524  OID
6319  1846  OID strong
6400  2003  R 102


Log 8 July 2017

on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden: 

1611  1944- Uitzendkracht cd 1946
1620  1836  Zender Admiraal (1620,1)
1620  1909- Zender Admiraal QSO Akai, Pandora (1620,1), cd 1913
1620  1917  Brandaris QSO cd 1921
1620  1923  Zender Admiraal QSO Brandaris, Pandora (1620,1), cd 1925
1620  1927- Brandaris QSO Pandora, Admiraal, cd 1931
1620  1931- Zender Admiraal QSO Pandora, Brandaris (1620,1) cd 1934
1620  1939- Brandaris QSO Admiraal, Pandora
1620  1947- Brandaris QSO Pandora cd 1952
1625  1845  Pandora cd 1846
1625  1859  Pandora QSO Simplex, cd 1903
1625  1914- Pandora QSO Admiraal, cd 1918
1625  1924- Pandora QSO Brandaris, Admiraal, cd 1926
1625  1935- Pandora QSO Admiraal, Brandaris, cd 1939
1625  1944- Pandora QSO Brandaris cd 1947
1626  1849  Simplex QSO (1625,9), cd 1851
1626  1904- Simplex QSO Akai (1625,9),  (cd 1914 1626,2)
1628  2340  OID (1627,7)
1630  1851- OID cd 1902
1632  1836  OID 
1632  1908  OID cd 1918
1632  1934  OID Batavier
1636  1836  Keizer & Keizerin (1635,8)
1638  1904  Yogi & Doc Einstein at 1913 moved to 1640
1648  1853  OID Moby Dick wide carrier
1656  2340  OID 
3915  2015  Dakota on LSB using 10 w
6285  1936  Summermeeting R 2017 (6285,2)

on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Alingsås Sweden:

3905  1848  R Alice
6085  1558  R Mi Amigo
6150  1551  R Marabu
6205  1212  Atlantis FM
6205  1840  Classic Rock
6210  1656  OID R King SW (6210,2)
6220  1212  OID R Mi Amigo?
6220  1535  LHH
6235  1656  R Casanova 
6260  1536  OID 
6285  1715  R Panda
6288  2335  LLL id in spanish :-)
6290  1822  R Altrex after request came the muh
6301  1824  OID Trans AM? (6300,7)
6315  1822  R Goofy (6315,2)
6390  1938  de Wittereus id at once

6940  2336  OID Clever Name R? on USB cd 2338

1470  2354  OID LA
4810  2330  R Logos