
Log 31 March 2012

1360       0332  OAX4Y Nueva Q, Lima
1499,84  0401  OBX4I R Santa Rosa
1510       0402  OID w bad sound, Ecuador? Peru was  not this bad before.
1520       0358  WIZZ Greenfield MA w fair signal
1540,5    0359  OZU2X R Turbo Mix very strong
1560       0400  OID NA
1570       0357  O--4- R Bethel, Lima
1570       0405  OAU7Z R Carraviz w bad mod under Bethel
1580       0401  HJ-- RCN (prob Robledo?)
1590       0400  OID ss R Uno?
1590,43  04      OID weak audio, sounds like Peru/Bolivia
1620       0400  WDHP started BBC nx

1530       0400  Pulse2 and prob a LA under


Log 30 March 2012

Good signals during the night. Will check recordings later and put them here one by one...

1240       0238  OID ss, prob Peru
1290       0243  YVLF R Puerto Cabello
1310       0237  OID Brazil
1360       0241  OAX4Y  Neuva Q, Lima
1390       0245  OID Brazil
1400                 OID ss w sport, Callao?
1500       0331  OID w id La Z or Mancheta?
1520       03      OID w salsa mx
1539,94  0356  OBX4N R Corporación, Cierra de Pasco
1540,5    0358  OCU2X R Turbo Mix, Cajamarca
1570       0353  O R Bethel, Lima
1590       0350  OID ss Agricultura?
1600       0350  OID ss Nuevo Tiempo?
1610       0354  University Network, Anguilla
1620       0357  WDHP good signal and id, no sign of Cuba

1485      0400  R Mercurs w BBC below
1530      0329  R Constanta
1530      0325  Pulse 2
1548      0400  Forth 2
1557      0400  BBC R 5 Live + France
1566      0400  County Sound R
1584      0400  Tay AM
1584      0400  BBC Hereford Worcester


Log 27 March 2012

1360  0409  OAX4Y Nueva Q, Lima
1400  0407  HJKM Em Mariana, Bogotá w mx, id also 0413 and OID Callao? w tlk and sport
1410  0410  CX44 R Libre, Montevideo
1500  0356  O R Santa Rosa, Lima
1520  0355  HJLI Libertad, Bogotá
1570  0400  O-- R Bethel, Lima

Stns on most QRG at sunrise. Several stn on some QRG.


Log 25 March 2012

1129,928  0407  OAX4N R Bacán, Lima id here, also OID on 1129,991 (Ideal?)
1509,789  0525  OID

Signals also on 1399,945 1469,995 1470,003 1470,036 1470,071 1499,838 1540,502 1570,002

1170  0400  R Capodistria


Log 24 March 2012

Recordings from the sunrise at 04 UTC frose. So only 7 min recorded. The 290 degrees antenna now reduce to 300m.

Been to Eskilstuna, as 1200 other DX/HAM-nurds from all of Sweden. Some aslo from Finland, Norway, Denmark and Korea. Fun day. Baught some stuff there, till later.


Log 11 March 2012

6172,985  0810  Misti R very good rock, with 18 w Q2
6307,237  0839  R Altrex w mx Q1-2
6325,017  0833  OID very strong, c/d 0843
6924,987  0744  R Pluto  w 4 w then 20 w Q1-3
6930,030  0804  OID IMR  Q2
6969,975  0806  LHH  Q1-2sti R with 18 w, nice old rock Q2
7600,562  0800  FRSH  Q1-2
15770       0940  OID WRI? with 250 kw  Q5

Have removed one antenna 270 degrees. Will take down the 290 later. Season is over.