
Log 31 Aug 2011

1628,1      2010  OID
1644,998  1948  R Mustang Q3-4
1674,75    2002  OID
5815,018  1759  Orion R Q4
6300,1      1750  R FSM Q3-4
6305,020  1734  R FSM Q3-4
6310,002  1734  R Tarzan Q3-4
6322,439  2016  OID w mx Q1-2
6325,378  1734  R Marconi w c/d 1757 Q4
6420,007  2033  Black Bandit R w mx and c/d 2107 Q4
7470,9      2144  OID R Eldorado on USB

Received QSL from R Nederland, Tinang 15110 today after over 3 month.


Log 30 Aug 2011

1305         0300  Premier Chr R and RNE
1314         0300  Antena Satelor
1323         0300  R Tigru Mures
1323         0259  Gold
1332         0300  Premier Chr R
1332         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1359         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1359         0300  Gold
1368         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1404         0300  Romania + France
1413         0300  Premier Chr R
1413         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1431         0300  Gold
1449         0300  BBC R 5 Live + OID aa
1458         0300  Sunrise R
1458         0300  BBC R 5 Live
6285,045  1845  R Altrex  Q2
6294,962  1926  R Altrex Q3 w some cool animal sounds :-)
6299,953  1908  OID and c/d a bit later
6310,009  1812  Continental R w mx Q3
6426,065  1728  R Variant w mx Q3-4
6539,447  1901  R 815  Q3

4975,969  0313  UBC R, Uganda w nice african mx Q4

1280         0255  OID ss
1290         0307  YVLF R Puerto Cabello
1400         0300  CBG Gander NL w CBC nx
5040,003  0316  R Habana Cuba
6010,066  0320  OID w mx under Beloruskoje R


Log 29 Aug 2011

1323         2159  Vo Russia, Wachenbrunn c/d 2200
1323         2202  Gold weak behind BBC
1332         2200  Romania Actualitati, Galati also at 0228
1332         0300  Gold
1341         2200  BBC R Ulster
1350         2156  R Orient, Paris
1350         0300  MR1 Kossuth R, Györ
1368         2200  Manx R, Douglas
1368         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1377         2208  France Info, Lille
1377         2208  IRIB came up at times along FI
1386         2204  Euskade Irratia
1395         2200  Vo Russia, Gavar
1404         2200  Romania Actualitati
1404         2200  France Info
1413         2200  BBC R Gloustershire weak under SWF, RNE
1413         2153  Premier Chr R
1413         2200  ARD Info nacht
1422         2200  Romania Actualitati
1422         2200  DLF
1431        -2200  Vo Russia, Dresden w c/d
1431         2202  Gold also popped up
1440         2200  CRI, Marnach w ee nx
1449         0300  BBC WS
1457,85    2203  CRI, Fllake
1458         2200  Sunrise R
1458         2207  Romania Actualitati
1467         2200  TWR UK, Roumoules  w px rondevou
1476         2200  Euskadi Irratia
1484,97    2155  R Merkurs, Riga
1630,0      2114  OID
1645,0      2015  OID w dutch mx
1652,7      2119  OID
1655,020  2030  R Wilskracht
3904,941  2046  R Fox 48  Q2-3
4015,003  2138  LHH  Q4
5815,038  1734  R Baken 16  Q2-4
6262,611  1805  OID Retro R? Q1-2
6304,978  2033  R FSM  Q3
6307,126  1836  R Skywave  Q2-3
6314,946  1947  Cool AM  Q2-3
6384,994  1741  R Musicbox  musicboxholland@hotline.com  new name and fq Q3-4
6924,524  0031  OID MAC SW? weak c/d 0055
6939,977  2339  LHH  Q2

1449         2203  Sawt ul Libya al Hurra Misratah also IRIB here under Libya

1314         2151  R Farda, Al-Dhabbaya
1323         2200  BBC WS, Limassol w nx
1323         2204  IRIB, Jolfa
1332         2200  OID IRIB, Teheran
1431         2200  IRIB and also R Sawa
1449         2206  IRIB, Bandar-e Torkaman over Libya at this time

1130         0110  WBBR New York NY "Bloomberg"
1180         01      OID ss
1190         01      OID NA WLIB
1200         0208  OID NA WXKS
1370         0246  OID NA w com Q2
1390         0100  OID NA
1500         0220  OID NA
1510         0245  OID WWZN Boston MA
1520         0300  WWKB Buffalo NY


Log 28 Aug 2011

1619,998  2007  R Barones  Q4
1627,827  2048  OID greek
1632,003  2045  OID Matrix
1639,7      2101  OID R Wadloper
1640,7      2101  OID R Kristal
1645,080  2101  OID Turktrekker
1652,980  2041  OID R Napoleon
4750,011  2010  CNR1
5815,022  0702  Orion R  got a good morgning to LHU Q4-5
5824,997  0745  Geronimo SW  Q1
6005,002  0720  Classic Broadcast, Kall  Q3-4
6204,395  1502  SW Gold
6216,020  0756  OID King SW? w mx, weak
6255,005  0735  OID weak
6255,187  1607  R Polaris  also 2055
6276,080  0727  R Altrex w mx Q3-4
6282,940  1458  OID  Q1
6295,010  1524  Reflection Europe
6300,030  1542  R Marconi moved here from 6307 Q4
6304,901  2141  Delta R, W Brabant Q4
6305,138  1910  R Underground  w greetings to LHU Q4
6307,020  1420  R Marconi w mx Q4
6324,730  2138  R Centurion w popcorn under RTTY
6325,017  1455  R FSM w rock Q2
6394,950  1516  Top R Q2
6395,010  2027  OID w mx Q4 and QRM
6395,016  1421  Continental R w mx Q3
6424,960  1506  OID w mx Q3
6424.993  1816  OID
6425,173  0826  OID Vo Fashon? w mx, weak
6484,950  1958  Premier R  RTTY QRM
6509,995  1817  Ping Panther  Q3 and at 1915 Q4
6539,453  1444  815 R very noicy fq Q2 at 1917 Q2
6550,028  1520  OID weak signal
6930,030  2110  IMR
6939,975  0715  LHH
6990,490  2115  Lightning R  Q2
12257,150 0711 WRI w mx Q1-2

1130         0200  WBBR New York NY "WBBR"
1190         0203  WLIB New York NY
1200         0200  WXKS Newton MA
1290         0210  YVLF R Puerto Cabello
1360         0313  OID prob WDRC Hartford CT
1370         0259  WDEA Ellsworth ME
1390         0258  OID WEGP?
1400         0259  CBG Gander NL  "CBC R 1, 1400 AM in Gander"


Log 27 Aug 2011

  531         2115  KBC "Tha mighty KBC" Q3-4
1611,000  1847  Vatikanradion m svenska Q3
1620,015  2006  OID w dutch mx
1629,998  1848  R Barones  Q3-4
1654,130  2138  OID w mx Q3
1671,0      2016  OID Tante Foek? Q3
3905,973  2256  R Sallande Boer Q4
4015,003  2126  LHH  Q4
6204,397  1744  Shortwave Gold "Bringing SW back to life, SW Gold" Q4
6204,820  1901  OID w radio tlk Q2-3
6205,005  2004  VoIRI Kamalabad  w ee about Islam Q4
6281,880  1930  R Altrex Q2
6284,994  0823  R Altrex
6286,933  2151  R Altrex w mx
6289,890  1930  R Alpenroos w mx Q2-3 some QRM at 1958 about blown power supply.
6294,920 -1730  R FSM  Q3
6295,105  1749  R Altrex w greets to LHU, and he sounded a little drunk? Some funny noices also!
6296,953  2129  R Fox 48  Q3
6304,791  1946  R FSM  Q2-3
6304,820  1901  OID w radio tlk
6305,006  1930  OID very strong 14 kc wide Q5
6325,917  1816  R Caroline Q3-4
6374,983  2135  OID w mx
6400,238  1805  OID Disco R? w mx Q3 some QRM here.
6400,750  1838  R Victoria  later also on 6400,020 at the same time Q3-4
6419,995  1849  OID w mx BBR Q3-4
6420,002  1830  R Universe w mx then back to 6425 Q4
6424,885  1820  R Universe w greetings to LHU Q3-4
6425,008  1915  R Trans Europe  Q2-3
6449,955  1835  Fox 48  Q2
6919,992  1735  Geronimo SW Q4
6930,026  1734  IMR Q2
6960,008  1732  R Trans Europe  Q3
6990,495  2046  Lightning R w mx Q1-2

1030         0248  WBZ Boston MA
1130         0315  WBBR New York NY  Bloomberg Q0-3
1180                   OID ss
1190,030  0240  OID rel ee WLIB
1200         0256  OID ee WXKS
1290         0316  YVLF R Puerto Cabello ID often Q0-3
1320         0331  OID ss, Apollo? Heard only for 1,5 minute
1370         0334  OID w mx, and a jingle R Iguatemi SP?
1400         0325  OID ss + mx
1430         0340  OID prob R Cariari
1510,020  0236  OID ss WWZN
1540                   OID ee

Log 26 Aug 2011

Got a new antenna 80m koax and then 90 m long to the south for better europe/africa. So far it seems to work fine. But it don't work on America as well as the 80 m antenna to east.
OID NA all night, for exampel: 950, 1050 2stn, 1130, 1140, 1190, 1200, 1370, 1390, 1400, 1510

1161        0230  Magic
1170        0230  Magic
1179        0230  ARD
1188        0230  ARD
1260        0230  BBC R 5 Live
1278        0230  France Blue
1296        0300  R XL, Birmingham  and COPE
1305        0300  Premier Chr R and RNE
1314        0300  Antena Satelor and RNE
1323        0300  R Tigru Mures
1323        0300  Gold
1332        0300  Gold
1332        0200  BBC R 5 Live
1332        0200  Romania Actualitati
1350        0200  R Orient
1359        0300  BBC R 5 Live
1359        0300  Gold
1368        0300  BBC R 5 Live and prob Challanger R w ii
1377        0300  Asian Sound  also at 0202
1386        0300  Euskadi Irratia
1395        0200  R Rossii
1404        0259  R Plus w id, what is this?
1404        0300  France Inter
1404        0200  ERA, Komitini
1413        0300  BBC R 5 Live
1413        0300  Premier Chr R
1422        0300  DLF and OID aa
1431        0300  Gold
1440        0300  RTL
1449        0300  BBC WS
1476        0300  Euskadi Irratia
6240        1932  R Northpole
6290,66   1932  R Caroline/Rainbow
6295        1925  OID R FSM
6300        1925  OID
6305,1     1925  OID Merlin?
6310        1933  Grensstad R
6425        1928  R BPM

1130        0230  WBBR New York NY  "Bloomberg 11-3-0"
1190        0230  WLIB New York NY
1200        0233  WXKS Newton MA


Log 25 Aug 2011

1152          0309  Magic
1161          0312  Tay AM
1170          0313  Magic
1305          0300  Premier Chr R
1314          0300  Antena Satelor
1323          0300  R Targu Mures
1332          0300  Premier Chr R
1341          0300  BBC R 5 Live
1359          0300  Gold
1359          0300  BBC R 5 Live
1368          0300  BBC R 5 Live
1386          0300  Euskadi Irratia
1413          0300  BBC R 5 Live
1422          0259  DLF
1431          0300  Gold
1440          0300  RTL
1449          0300  BBC WS
1449          2024  R Mayak heard w new antenna
1476          0300  Euskadi Irratia
1619,990   1947  Zender Caroline
1629,997   1951  De Marskramer
1630,000  -1941  OID w c/d Q3
1633,7       1943  R Nova 4
1640,690   1942  R Wadloper w good music Q3
1646,992   2003  R Calypso
3904,994   1850  R Shadow w mx and some fading Q0-2 Only w the new antenna.
6290,660   2009  R Caroline/Rainbow  Q4
6424,974   1925  OID BPM strong w mx Q4
6539,485   1927  815 R w mx, some QRM Q1-2
7200          02      Baltic Sea R
12805,004   1641  R Spaceshuttle w a test Q3-4

1130          0246  WBBR New York NY  "Bloomberg 11-3-0"
1390          0325  OID one Brazil on mx, one slightly high one low fq
1390          0300  ZYJ687 R Planalto RO
1430          0300  ZYJ671 R Cariari, Porto Velho RO w R Cariari id just before full hour


Log 24 Aug 2011

  792         2100  NDR Info
  801         2100  Bayern Plus
  810         2100  BBC R Scotland
  828         2100  NDR Info
´ 828         2102  R 10 Gold
  837         2057  Ukrainska R
1431         0249  Gold + OID mx
1530         0249  Romania Actualitati
1530         0250  Pulse 2
1548         0249  Forth 2
1548         0249  Magic
1639,773  2042  OID Professor?
1640,7      2039  R Wadloper AM
1650         2039  OID
6299,986  2048  R Marconi strong w mx Q4
6304,779  2034  Cupid R c/d a few min later Q2-3

  819         2100  Iraq

1440         0246  OID 2 ss and one poss low
1510,01    0253  O---- R Alegria, Arequipa w id Q2
3289,987  0340  Guyana w mx Q2
3350         0330  REE Cariari de Pococi
3360,006  0340  R JPJ  w mx  Q2


Log 23 Aug 2011

1116         2000  RAI
1125         2000  RTBF Viviciré
1143         2000  Vo Russia, Bolshakovo
1152         2000  R Romania Actualitati
1152         2000  Magic 1152
1152         2002  Gold
1161         1955  Tay AM
1161         2000  Magic 1161
1170         2000  Vo Russia, Tbilisskaya
1170         2000  Magic 1170
1170         2000  R Capodistria
1179         2000  R Romania Actualitati
1197         1956  Absolute R  heavy ecco
1206         2000  France Info  and OID behind
1215         2000  Vo Russia, Bolshakovo
1215         2000  Absolute R
1224         2000  R Bulgaria, Vidin
1260         1956  Absolute R
1269         2000  DLF
1278         2000  France Blue + OID
1305         2000  Premier Chr R about a Int Chr conferens in London
1457,864  1934  OID R Tirana, Fllake
1458         1933  Sunrise R
1530         0236  R Romania Actualitati
1548         0232  Forth 2
1566         0235  County Sound
6299,461  1858  OID weak w mx Q1
6300,362 -1832  OID w mx strong Q4
6374,998  1910  OID w mx Q2-3

1260         2001  BSKSA, Dammam

1130         0200  WBBR New York NY
1390         0231  OID NA, WEGP
1400         0235  OID NA, CBG
1430        02-03  ZYJ671 R Cariari, Porto Velho RO w Aparecida px
1440         02      OID Brazil until RTL started
1510         02      OID 2 ss (one high 1510,02) one w bad mod. one w sport
1520         02      OID NA, WWKB


Log 22 Aug 2011

  657         2100  BBC R Wales
  657         2100  R Rossii, Murmansk
  666         2100  BBC R N Yorkshire
  666        -2100  ARD Info, Rohrdorf
  675         2100  R Maria Nederland, Lopik
  675         2100  NRK Nordland, Röst w Nordlands-nytt
  684         2100  RNE
  693         2100  R Rossii
  693         2100  BBC R 5 Live
  702         2100  CRI, Col de la Madone
  702         2100  NDR Info
  711         2100  France Info
  711         2103  R Romania Actualitati
  720         2100  WDR 2, Langenberg
  729         2100  Bayern Plus
  729         2103  OID ERA
  738         2100  RNE
  747         2102  R 5, Flevoland
  747         2100  R Bulgaria, Petrich
  756         2059  R Romania Actualitati
  756         2100  DLF
  765        -2100  R Rossii, Pedasel'ga
  774         2100  WDR 2, Bonn
  774         2100  RNE
  783         2100  ARD Info, Leipzig
  792         2100  NDR Info, Lingen
  792         2100  BBC R Ulster  "..FM and on 13-41, BBC R Ulster"
  801         2100  Bayern Plus
  810         2100  BBC R Scotland
  828         2100  NDR Info, Hannover
  828         2104  R 10 Gold, Heinenoord
  837         2100  BBC R Cumbria
1260         2202  Sabras R, Leicester
1269         2200  DLF
1278         2159  France Blue
1305         2200  Magic AM, Barnsley
1323         2202  Gold, Brighton
1323         2159  Vo Russia c/d then only Iran/Cyprus/UK
1332         2202  Gold, Peterborough
1332         2200  R Romania Actualitati, Galati
1332         2159  Cesky Rozhlas, Moravské Budìjovice
1341         2200  BBC R Ulster
1359         2202  Gold (all are Gold here now)
1368         2159  Manx R, Douglas
1377         2200  France Info
1386         2003  Euskadi Irratia
1394,846  2000  TWR Europe, Fllake
1395         2200  R Rossii
1404         2200  R Romania Actualitati
1413         2200  BBC R Gloustershire
1413        -2000  Vo Russia, Maiac
1422         2200  R Romania Actualitati
1422         2200  DLF
1431         2202  Gold
1431         2000  Vo Russia, Dresden c/d 2200
1440         2200  CRI, Marnach
1449         1959  BBC R4, Aberdeen also at 2202
1458         2000  R Romania
1458         1959  Sunrise R
1458         2000  BBC R Newcastle
1476         2003  Euskadi Irratia
1484,974  2002  R Merkurs, Riga
1493,97    1959  R Moldova
1494         2000  France Info
1503         1959  R Tsentr, Moskva c/d 2000
1503         2003  BBC In the Midlands
1530         2000  R Romania Actualitati
6239,995  1956  R Altrex id the sec I turned the radio on Q3
6300,301  2105  R Marconi strong w mx c/d 2119 Q4
6302,drif   2025  OID drifted heavy Q2
6303,829  2131  R Powerliner  Q2
6419,996  2109  OID w russ mx BBR? Q4
6990,492  2255  Lightning R w mx Q2
7200        2250  Baltic Sea R on USB w mx Q3

1431         2202  R Sawa, Djibouti
1449         2204  Sawt ul Libya al Hurra Misratah

  666         2101  OID IRIB/SBO (high in fq)
  764,66    2100  tent IRIB, Shahr-e Kord
  810         2100  OID UAE R Quran?  No break on the hour
  819         2100  Iraq, Basra
1260         2200  BSKSA, Dammam
1296         2202  VOA, Kabul but also COPE, Sudan (1295,990) here
1323         2200  BBC WS, Limassol
1332         2203  OID IRIB Teheran
1377         2200  IRIB
1413         2000  BBC WS, Al Seela
1440         2200  BSKSA, Dammam
1449         2200  IRIB, Bandar-e Torkaman
1466,971  2001  IRIB, Qom
1467         2000  OID BSKSA
1512,016  2001  IRIB, Ardabil
1521         2000  t BSKSA, Duba
1539,002  2000  VOA, Al Dhabbaya

1299,905  0255  OID rel
1390         0326  OID 2 stn, Brazil o mx
1400         0330  OID ss
1430         0331  OID Brazil Q4
1499,85    0333  OBX4I R Santa Rosa w mx and IDn Q3
5040,003  0141  R Cubana, La Habana  Q5
5921,282  0135  OID ss R Bethel, Arequipa
5954,268  0135  R Republica w no interferens from 5952, R Pio Doce was off Q2
6060,003  0154  R Cubana, La Habana  Q4


Log 21 Aug 2011

1637,98    2123  R Napoleon  Q4
1639,75    2125  R Professor w QSO  Q3
1650         2122  OID greek  Q2-3
1654,983  2031  R Ijsvogel  very strong Q5
1675         2144  R Batavier w greetings to Sweden  Q4-5
3904,950  2126  R Relmus Q4-5
3995,003  1915  HCJB very strong an good signal on this new stn Q5
4015,003  2033  LHH Q4
5815,020  0658  Orion R  Q3
6199,899  0650  R Urang Utan
6218,316  1749  R Black Arrow  w greetings to LHU Q2
6284,967  1844  R Underground  Q1-2
6295,002  1802  Reflection Europe  started new program  Q4
6300,817  1654  R Marconi  Q3
6301,885  1831  R Alpenroos/Black Eagle Q5
6303,793  2058  R Powerliner only 10 w Q2
6307,960 -1903 R Powerliner  Q2-3
6309,964  2022  Grensstad R  Q2
6374,951  2013  R Fox 48 w id after two Metallica songs Q2-4
6379,857  1700  Delta R, W Brabant  Q2-3
6400,735  1907  R Lowpower c/d 1909 Q2
6419,991  2150  OID w swedish mx R Bandong? lots of QRM here Q0-4
6420,177  1704  R Lowland Int  Q2
6484,980 -1804  Fox 48 weak
6484,987  1704  Black Bandit R  w some Swedish music today as well Q3-4
6509,994  1905  Pink Panther R  Q2-3
6523,954  1817  Fox 48  w 40w then turn it up to 400w w little improvment
6920,002  1936  R Trans Europe  Q3
6930,035  1911  IMR  Q3
6939,976  1912  LHH  Q2 often noicy here
7200         0128  Baltic Sea R strong here

4749,960  2113  OID weaker could be Makassar
4750,013  2113  CNR1
4905,003  2115  Xizang PBS Tibet Bc  //4920 6200
4920,004  2115  Xizang PBS Tibet Bc  //4905 6200
6200,003  2115  Xizang PBS Tibet Bc

  950,009  0221  CKNB Campbelton NB
1510,020  0230  OID prob WWZN Boston MA
1520         0159  OID NA prob WWKB Buffalo NY Q0-2
3350,002  0254  REE Cariari de Pococi strong  Q4
6009,760  0056  OID ss Colombia? Q1-2


Found info about WBNY Radio on 6950:

The following was posted on the FRN by Commander Bunny:

The Rodent Revolution was formed in the 1980's by a coalition of members from every rodent family. Mice, Squirrels, beavers, shrews and the most intelligent of the group, the Rabbits. Our goal is to overthrow our oppressers, the Ape-Humans who drool on themselves, listen to shortwave and spend most free moments wanking their willies. We have, in collaboration with the CIA been using mind control methods to confuse and baffle the humans since 1985. Thus the inability to clearly hear our 50,000-watt transmission last night. With the subliminal message that was contained in the numbers transmission, we very easily convinced the Ape-Humans that there was static and a poor signal. You may think this is a joke, yet if you think about all the Used Car Salesmen who make a good living, its clear that you Ape-Humans are easily misled and confused. Why else would you elect another Bush?
Our Secret Numbers transmissions are for the millions of Rodents to stay in communication with each other and for us to issue orders from Commander Bunny to the troops. We are currently gnawing away at the fiber optic lines the cable companies have been installing all over the country. You'll pay attention to the revolution when you can't get your HBO. Any attempt to decode this secret transmission will only lead to more confusion on your part, as witnessed by the poster who claimed he had decoded it. While many of our transmissions are in fact about Al Fansome, they are not about him holding anything. Fansome is one of our Ape-Human operatives who, by way of mind control, does our bidding. Often for giggles we will send him messages late at night to go out and check his tire pressure. We used this same kind of mind control on Pat Robertson in the late 1980's and made him think he could be President. What a maroon. We broadcast at least once a year through WBNY Radio to update Ape-Humans on how much time they have left before the Rodent Rule the Earth. For more information you'll need to insert a very large carrot into the floppy drive of your computer now.
Commander Bunny

Log 20 Aug 2011

  926,982  0006  OID could this be Tyrone on this split?
  936         0200  Fresh
  972         0200  NDR Info
  981         0200  R Star Country
  999         0200  Magic 999
1404         0300  ERA, Komotini
1413         0300  Premier Chr. R
1413         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1422         0300  DLF
1431         0300  Gold
1440         0300  RTL
1449         0300  BBC WS
1458         0330  Sunrise R
1476         0300  Euskadi Irratia, San Sebastian
1494         0300  France Info
1503         0300  BBC R 5 Live
1530         0300  W Yorkshires Pulse 2, Huddersfield
1548         0302  Gold, London
1548         0256  Magic, id at 0300 Magic 1548
1548         0300  Vo Russia, Grigoriopol  also 0330
1557         0300  France Info
1557         0302  Gold
1566         0331  County Sound R, Guilford
1619,6      2244  OID w Abba Q1-3
1620         0215  OID 2 ss both prob Argentina Q3
1620         2024  Schaduwjager
1621,324  2326  OID w mx Q3-4
1621,97   -2348  R Digitaal  w QSO Q3-4
1625,011  1925  OID R Doc Einstein
1625,55   -2354  R Soerabaya  w QSO only 80 w, drifted down to 1625 Q1-2
1627,3      2024  OID
1634,999 -2343  R Monte Carlo  w QSO Q4
1636,0      2021  Orban R  Q4
1636,7      2024  OID
1637,85    0215  OID Q4
1648         2026  Tante Foek & Viking?
1655         2033  R Batavier Q3-4
1659,998  2330  OID greek
1660         2239  OID greek
1670         2021  R Batavier  Q4
3934,920  1900  OID weak signal
4015,000  2122  Laser Hot Hits  w ID and they are on live streem as well Q4
6190         0630  DLF, Berlin  Q5
6210,140  0915  OID R Altrex only weak carrier here
6290,674  1850  R Caroline/Rainbow better sound and stronger Q3-4
6291,040  2146  R Scotland Int Q5
6299,957  2110  Fox 48 very weak w mx Q1
6299,992  1849  OID R Mustang? moved here from 6325/6327 more QRM here Q3
6300,000  2159  OID strong w mx Q5
6300,009  0003  R Powerliner  with 250 w Q4
6300,284  1720  OID R Marconi w mx under heavy QRM
6300,663  2245  OID R Wittereus weak but is only 10 w.
6305,008  2110  R Underground  id 2119 Q1-2
6305,084  0530  R Merlin, he fell asleep with tx on :-)
6324,970  2114  R Marconi very strong w mx Q4-5
6327,000  1833  OID R Mustang? strong w mx, moved to 6325 and c/d 1847 Q4-5
6374,988  2150  Black Bandit R w some swedish mx Q5
6419,007  1804  Studio 52 id at 1840 Q4
6420,190  0908  OID BBR w Blueberryhill Q4 then dropped to Q0 then Q1-2  c/d 0913, then back 0921
6660         1908  OID Russian pop on USB sounds like a drunk russian when talk Q4-5
6660         1923  OID on LSB french tlk
6905,001  2332  R Mustang w Midnight Oil, 100 w Q4-5
6930,032  1855  IMR w YL id Q2-3
6950,056  1955  OID could it be WBNY R informing the Ap-humans? Announsed 12 w. c/d 2111 Q2-3
6950,056  2139  OID same as above again... Q1-3
6990,495  2124  Lightning R w mx (25w)
7000         1945  Baltic Sea R Q3-4

1530         0300  VOA Pinheira w s/on
1566         0259  TWR Benin, Parakou  Q4
6270         1800  R Cairo

1030         0151  OID WBZ
1130,000  0131  WBBR New York NY
1390         0300  LS11 R Universidad, La Plata
1390         0302  OID Brazil
1400         0205  OID ee rel, Harbour Light
1400         0252  OBX4W R Callao Q3
1400         0304  CBG Gander NL w CBC R 1 id, under ss, and 0259 local id for 1400 AM
1430         0256  OID Brazil rel, and a few stn behind
1499,85    0300  OBX4I R Santa Rosa Q3
1510,020  0111  OID ss Peru/Ecuador? Belgrano? also 0215 Q0-3
1520         0255  ZYH635 R Regional Ipú CE w a "Regional", takingover fq more and more
1520         0251  WVOZ R Voz, San Juan w mx a good id Q3
1540,000  0204  OID ee rel, WDCD The Light
1540         0250  R Turbo Mix, Cajamarca
1570         0320  OID w mx
1610,000  0221  University Network, The Valley w rel ee, id at this time Q3-4
6134,820  2359  R Santa Cruz Q3
6915         2332  WYFR  Q4


Log 19 Aug 2011

531           2126  KBC, Burg "The mighty KBC" w test transm. 10 kw? Q3-4
1620,015  2032  Combinatie F16 testing from Netherland Q3
1630,841  2038  Mijnwerker Q2-4
1632         2308  OID Q2
1646,993  2029  R Calypso Q3-4
1655,170  2032  R Santana w mx Q4
1665,12    2033  OID Bravo Sierra?
3895,493 -1908  OID R Boomerang w c/d Q4
3905,074  1838  R Skyline Int  Q3-4
3912,492  1857  OID R Boomerang Q4
3914,992 -1849  OID R Boomerang  w c/d Q3-4
3921,904  2140  Sallandse Boer  c/d 2237 Q3-4
3923,944 -2053  Fox 48 with 150 w Q2-3
3934,942  1839  R Relmus  Q2-3
6210,089  1921  R Altrex Q1-2
6290,320  19      R Caroline/Rainbow with 25 w Q2
6305,086  2138  OID R Marconi only 10 w Q1-2
6324,850  1920  R Marconi w mx Q4
6329,776  1843  VOA id?? temp error? why here? Q2-4
6374,698  2004  Black bandit R Q5
6419,989  2053  Black bandit R move from 6375 Q4
6484,955  2042  OID Premier R w mx weak Q1
6925,005  2007  R Trans Europe  Q3-4
7000         2158  Baltic Sea R on LSB, id 2242
15800,279 1916 R Black Arrow at 1918 sad he turned the beam E/W from N/S Q1-3

1290,0      0204  YVLF R Puerto Cabello Q3
1320         02      OID LA
1400,0      0203  OID ee Harbour Light? Q2
1400         0302  OID LA Q1-2
1440         02      OID LA
1470,1      0213  OID w mx Q2
1499,89    02      OID prob R Santa Rosa
6009,773  2316  OID also today here. Q1


Log 18 Aug 2011

1619,680  1945  R Wadloper w greeting to LHU at 2005 Q1-3
1620,000  2215  OID  Q3-4
1633,002  2114  Zwarte Arabier  w mx Q2
1636,5      2217  OID greek
1636,669  1945  OID
1639,990  2115  R Batavier  Q4
1646,995  1945  R Calypso Q2-4
3904,920  2049  OID started up w hello and tlk then mx c/d 2119 Q0-2
6290,665  1934  R Caroline Q2
6298,040  1921  R Altrex Q0,5-2
6419,992  2119  Black Bandit R w mx and c/d 2212 Q4
6920,000  2135  R Mustang  Q5
6924,997  2155  R Mustang  Q5

4939,973  2310  OID weak w mx Peru? Also signal on 3360,006 + 5024,910
6009,773  2332  OID now stn here, same as below? Weaker Q1
6009,816  2313  OID ss c/d 2328? Montevideo? Q2-3


Log 17 Aug 2011

1611,000  2011  R Batavia  with 60 w Q2-3
1620,000  2034  R Batavia  with 60 w Q2-3
1620,0      2059  R Polydor Q3 id also 2103 Q3
1629,003  2043  Zwarte Arabier with 25 w Q2-3
1632,55    2319  R Soerabaya  Q2
1636,350  2056  R Nordzee  Q1-2
1637,85    2045  OID
1643,308  1944  OID cd 1945 Q4
1642,520  1945  OID 1643 showed up here instead Q4
1644,75    1945  OID R Kristal?
1652,984  1948  R Napoleon Q4
1654,030  2317  R Barcelona  Q4
3904,952  1910  R Relmus Q4
6300,024 -1813  R Monte Carlo w c/d Q2-3
6303,838  1913  OID w mx, weak
6304,926  2036  R Zodiac w mx Q4
6375,320  1820  OID w mx weak
6419,990  2040  Black Bandit R c/d 2107 Q4
6425,000  2005  Black Bandit R Q5

7205,0      1940  R Thailand w ee nx/spt Q5


Log 16 Aug 2011

1619,998  2009  R Barones  Q4
1639,768  2017  OID also 2215
1643,028 -2026  OID
1644,983  2027  OID
1655,520  20      OID
1665,163  2231  OID
3930,220  2041  OID R Batavia
3934,940  2218  R Relmus w greetings to LHU Q4
3934,945  2004  R Relmus Q3-4
6300,210  2102  R FSM  w mx Q2-3
6373,945  1851  R Pacman w audio test Q0-2
6509,995  2020  Pink Panther R  Q2
6925,000  2143  R Mustang  Q3-4

4940,002  2032  VOA Pinheira  w Hausa Q4
4975,968  2035  UBC, Uganda w mx  Q4

4750,012  2030  CNR1 (Hailar?) Q2
4800,002  2030  CNR Geermu Q5


Log 15 Aug 2011

1630,018  0031  R Mi Amigo  Q2-3
1674,978  0114  Orion West R Q2

6000,002  0010  R Habana Cuba Q5
6154,928  0000  OID very weak as usualy. Prob R Fides


Log 14 Aug 2011

1602         2100  R Seagul Q4
1617,768  2105  OID
1618,100  2057  OID dutch  Q3
1619,575  2105  OID
1629,72    2208  OID R Soerabaya Q2
1632         2114  OID QSO Soerabaya Q2
1639,81    2209  OID
1639,990  2110  R Batavier  Q3-4
1640,691  2026  R Wadloper w Ozzy, the daughter played the music at this time :-) Q3 w lots of thunder
1645,842  2204  Matrix  Q3-4
1646,98    2206  R Mustang  Q3
1652,983  2105  OID Napoleon?
1657,7      2118  R Anton
1660,75    2110  R Kristal  Q4
5815,024  0700  Orion R w mx Q2
6059,920  2138  OID R Nal BA
6059,996  2138  Shortwave Gold Q4
6060         2155- Sichuan PBS s/on Q5
6205,006  2020  VoIRI, Kamalabad  w ee Q5
6216,025  0800  OID weak w mx Q0-1
6240,269  0732  OID R Altrex too weak for audio Q0
6281,993  0635  OID R Shadow w mx, then disipeard Q4-0
6284,9      1908  R Alpenroos
6285,085  2011  R Underground  Q2-3
6290,655  1837  R Caroline  Q3-4
6295,0      20      Reflection Europe  Q4
6300,040  0901  OID w mx and others ID Q3-4
6303,841  1800  OID weak w mx Q0-1
6310,010  2005  R Powerliner Int Q3
6325,538  0921  OID R Merlin weak talk, mx Q0-1 6325,513-550
6374,997  2035  OID w mx BBR? Q4-5
6419,072 -2230  Studio 52 w c/d Q4
6419,076  1906  Studio 52 w mx Q3
6930,032  2123  IMR w good id Q3
6960,110  1904  Enjoy R w 35-40 w Q3
6990,494  2125  Lightning R w good mx Q1-2
21800,140 0908 OID R Malta w mx Q0-1


Log 13 Aug 2011

1300,08    0245  OID Brazil
1440         0245  OID Brazil, R Livre?
1620         2040  OID
1633,8      2040  OID Mijnwerker
1639,8      2040  OID
1651,1      2125  OID
1655         2040  OID  Oldtimer R
3905,020  2147  OID w mx  Q4
3905,040  1914  R Variant c/d? was back again 1917 Q3
3907,920  2205  OID sounded like phone call in dutch but only one part heard, driftet up in fq
3919,994  2058  OID w music. The word is 10 w out. Q5
3930,020  1912  Quintus w music Q2
3934,793  2217  R Underground Q2
4015,002  2213  LHH  Q5
4905         2115  Xizang Tibet Q4
4920         2115  Xizang Tibet Q4
4974,777  0259  R del Pacifico
5909,940  0255  R Alcaravan  w mx Q3
6009,910  0252  OID LA also 6009,970 weaker
6173,927  0256  OID R Tawantinsuyo weak and plashed Q1-2
6200         2115  Xizang Tibet  Q3
6235,242  1808  Delta R  Q4
6240,078  0649  R Caroline Q3-4
6283,097  2035  OID same stn from 6295, 6292, 6300, 6285 w mx Q5
6290,322  1929  R Caroline  with 50 w Q3-4
6294,473  1956  Bogusman Q4
6294,991  1816  OID w mx, and 10 kc wide Q5 moved to 6292 then silent.
6300,102  2015  OID very strong w mx Q5  10 kc wide
6300,270  1817  R FSM  Q2-3  6300,270 -> 6300,160 -> 6299,950
6300,395  2001  Crazy Wave R also 1936 on 6300,391 Q3
6304,811  1629  R Alice from N Holland
6305,1      1837  R FSM w greeting to LHU, tnx Q2
6307,170  2137  R Caroline/Rainbow  Q2
6318,42    2006  R Lowland Int  moved from 6323  Q3
6323,410  1811  R Lowland  Q3-4
6375,324  1815  OID weak stronger later
6425,020  1858  R Trans Europe cd 1907
6449,996  1921  Old Lusted Banker (Black Bandit?) Q5
6509,995  1635  Pink Panther R  Q1-2
6919,344  1847  OID w mx Hit Mix Team Q2-3
6930,028  2023  IMR
6940,010  2023  LHH
6949,230  1946  Hit Mix Team moved up from 6919  Q1-3
6966,35    2128  OID Prob US-pirat w tlk Q2-3
6990,496  0035  Lightning R at last ID on this one Q2


Log 12 Aug 2011

1350         02      R Orient + OID
1370         02      OID
1400         0230  OID ss
1430         02      OID brazil
1440         0233  OID brazil rel
1600         0305  OID R 9 de Julho SP w plash from 1602 1593 Q3
1610         03      OID ee
1620,8      2115  OID
1626,1      2115  OID
1629         2115  OID
1634,4-7  2029  R Kristal drifting up Q3-4
1639,99    2117  R Batavier w greeting to LHU Q4
1656         2140  R Electron  Q4
1665         20      OID Matrix  Q2-4
1670         2114  Zender Matrix  Q3-4
1690         2038  OID greek
1700         2038  OID greek
3350         0315  REE Cariari de Pococi
3360,007  0315  OID mx R JPJ, Lima
3905,075  1726  R Skyline stonger an houre later, 2111 a greeting to LHU :-) Then Q4-5
3915,0      2255  BBC, Kranje Q4
3934,946  2105  OID weak been on since 19.
4015,0      2107  LHH strong w mx Q4
4828,0      2132  Vo Zimbabwe, Gwelo w mx and YL DJ Q3
4864,981  2310  OID prob Bolivia
4865,035  2310  OID prob Brazil
4974,778  0320  OID R del Pacifico
5952,46    2250  R Pio Doce
5954,280  0320  OID R Republica
6134,788  2305  R Santa Cruz
6290,07    1927  R Skywire
6290,25    2011  R Caroline w only 25 w Q2-3
6295,030  1812  R Montecarlo m Scorpions Q3
6300,010  2123  R Powerliner Q4
6303,856  1715  OID weak R Powerliner with test only 2 w Q1-2
6305,017  1842  R Powerliner w short test Q4
6305,25    1941  OID mx Q3
6307,186  2005- R Skywire Q3
6307,166  2217  R Caroline/Rainbow  Q3
6315,95    2212  R Fox 48 Q3-4
6324,976 1932   OID strong w mx prob Black Power Q5
6325         2213  R Marconi Q4
6374,958  1914  Cool AM R weak w only 5-7 w Q1
6375,3      18      OID cd w o ann Q1
6925,145  0317  OID weak, NA? Q0-0,5
6951,030  2049  OID weak signal Q1
6990,494  2044  OID Lightning w 25 w Q1

Log 11 Aug 2011

1602        2254  R Seagul
1620        2027  R Armada
1623        20      OID greek
1627        2020  OID R Doc Einstein
1627,6     20      OID Kristal
1629,2     20      OID
1630,8     2013  OID Atletico
1633,27   20      OID
1635,15   20      OID 
1635,2     22      OIS R Soerabaya
1635,98  -2018  R Mustang  also 2252
1636,4     2301  OID R Barcelona
1639,88   2256  OID Professor or Nordzee?
1643        2306  OID
1644,99   2022  R Batavier
1647        20      R Calypso
1650,7     22      OID
1655,1     2249  R Santana
1655,13   20      OID
1670,2     20      OID greek
1680        22      OID greek
1690        2002  OID greek
1700        22      OID greek
3934,937 0218  R Armadillo
6284,913 1914  R Relmus Int
6295,05   1748  R Altrex
6302        1853  R Boomerang
6305,22   18      OID mx
6310,2     1946  R Bravo Sierra
6314,011 1926  OID
6323,441 1946  RLI R Lowland
6325,244 1752  R Rockefeller
6375,098 1924  R Caroline
6384,941 1956  Top R
6384,943 1803  R FSM


Log 10 Aug 2011

1170        R Capodistria
1242        France Blue
1503        BBC R Stoke
1602        R Seagul
1621        OID
1626,82   OID
1644,989 R Batavier
1654,4     OID
6240        Hit Mix Team
6295,1     OID R Merlin w 10w
6298        OID
6300        R FSM
6304,838 R Marconi
6310,02  OID
6324        R Mustang
6325,7     OID
6375,6     OID R BPM