
Happy X-mas and a Merry New Year!

as Eddie Murphy once sad in a movie. C U all next year, bright and early with out a hangover.




Log 18 April 2012

Now the big antenna is all gone, and they can mend to the broken fence at Holmen. The koax is now on the lawn and will be packed later. Good thing I shortened the antenna when I did, since the trees now are all gone where the last 100 m was.


Log 10-11 April 2012

10 april:
1430, 1500, 1540, 1570 good as usualy. Some SW LA earlier w good signals.

11 april:
several weak signals from LA and NA.
1610 Univ Netw, 1510 NA, 1560 WQEW....


Log 06 April 2012

Early night seems to be bad, and no TA signals. Lets see how sunrise will be.


Log 05 April 2012

Some signals that will be checked later. 1570 strong.

1430                 ZYJ671 R Caiari, Porto Velho RO
1499,84  0330  OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima
1500       0330  YVRZ R Dos Mil, Cumaná 
1520       0333  HJLI Libertad, Bogotá
1540,5    0330  OZU2X R Turbo Mix, Cajamarca
1570       0319  OCU7L R Vilcanota, Sicuani very good signal
1580       0330  OID ss
1590       0336  OID ss
1600       0333  OID ss Nuevo Tiempo?
1640       0334  O--- R Kalikanto, Chamarca

1530       0330  VOA São Tomé


Log 03 April 2012

3310, 4410, 4700, 4716, 5952 Bolivia w good signal at 0045-.
4775, 5120 Peru strong at 0115.
Several Brazil as well.


Log 02 April 2012

1499,84  0341  OBX4I R Santa Rosa, Lima also id 0348
1500       0349  YVRZ R Dos Mil, Cumaná
1510       0330  OID NA w tlk
1520       0357  HJLI Libertad, Bogotá
1570       0335  O--4- R Bethel, Lima
1620       0358  CM-- R Rebelde also other LA here

1503  0400  BBC R Stoke
1530  0400  Pulse 2
1548  0400  Forth 2, Edinburgh
1548  0400  Magic 1548, Liverpool
1557  0400  Gold
1566  0400  County Sound R
1566  0400  BBC R 5 Live
1584  0400  Tay AM
1584  0400  BBC Hereford Worcester


Log 01 April 2012

1520       0349  WWKB Buffalo NY also LA here
1540,5    0359  OZU2X R Turbo Mix
1570       0402  O--4- R Bethel, Lima


Log 31 March 2012

1360       0332  OAX4Y Nueva Q, Lima
1499,84  0401  OBX4I R Santa Rosa
1510       0402  OID w bad sound, Ecuador? Peru was  not this bad before.
1520       0358  WIZZ Greenfield MA w fair signal
1540,5    0359  OZU2X R Turbo Mix very strong
1560       0400  OID NA
1570       0357  O--4- R Bethel, Lima
1570       0405  OAU7Z R Carraviz w bad mod under Bethel
1580       0401  HJ-- RCN (prob Robledo?)
1590       0400  OID ss R Uno?
1590,43  04      OID weak audio, sounds like Peru/Bolivia
1620       0400  WDHP started BBC nx

1530       0400  Pulse2 and prob a LA under


Log 30 March 2012

Good signals during the night. Will check recordings later and put them here one by one...

1240       0238  OID ss, prob Peru
1290       0243  YVLF R Puerto Cabello
1310       0237  OID Brazil
1360       0241  OAX4Y  Neuva Q, Lima
1390       0245  OID Brazil
1400                 OID ss w sport, Callao?
1500       0331  OID w id La Z or Mancheta?
1520       03      OID w salsa mx
1539,94  0356  OBX4N R Corporación, Cierra de Pasco
1540,5    0358  OCU2X R Turbo Mix, Cajamarca
1570       0353  O R Bethel, Lima
1590       0350  OID ss Agricultura?
1600       0350  OID ss Nuevo Tiempo?
1610       0354  University Network, Anguilla
1620       0357  WDHP good signal and id, no sign of Cuba

1485      0400  R Mercurs w BBC below
1530      0329  R Constanta
1530      0325  Pulse 2
1548      0400  Forth 2
1557      0400  BBC R 5 Live + France
1566      0400  County Sound R
1584      0400  Tay AM
1584      0400  BBC Hereford Worcester


Log 27 March 2012

1360  0409  OAX4Y Nueva Q, Lima
1400  0407  HJKM Em Mariana, Bogotá w mx, id also 0413 and OID Callao? w tlk and sport
1410  0410  CX44 R Libre, Montevideo
1500  0356  O R Santa Rosa, Lima
1520  0355  HJLI Libertad, Bogotá
1570  0400  O-- R Bethel, Lima

Stns on most QRG at sunrise. Several stn on some QRG.


Log 25 March 2012

1129,928  0407  OAX4N R Bacán, Lima id here, also OID on 1129,991 (Ideal?)
1509,789  0525  OID

Signals also on 1399,945 1469,995 1470,003 1470,036 1470,071 1499,838 1540,502 1570,002

1170  0400  R Capodistria


Log 24 March 2012

Recordings from the sunrise at 04 UTC frose. So only 7 min recorded. The 290 degrees antenna now reduce to 300m.

Been to Eskilstuna, as 1200 other DX/HAM-nurds from all of Sweden. Some aslo from Finland, Norway, Denmark and Korea. Fun day. Baught some stuff there, till later.


Log 11 March 2012

6172,985  0810  Misti R very good rock, with 18 w Q2
6307,237  0839  R Altrex w mx Q1-2
6325,017  0833  OID very strong, c/d 0843
6924,987  0744  R Pluto  w 4 w then 20 w Q1-3
6930,030  0804  OID IMR  Q2
6969,975  0806  LHH  Q1-2sti R with 18 w, nice old rock Q2
7600,562  0800  FRSH  Q1-2
15770       0940  OID WRI? with 250 kw  Q5

Have removed one antenna 270 degrees. Will take down the 290 later. Season is over.




A lot of great loggings on 30 Dec, mostly in ME, VT, MA, NY, CT, RI area. The log is growing:

PAX95 is on a halt at the moment, last update 3 Jan:


Log 24 Jan 2012

3355,000  -0005 t R JPJ, Lima nice mx, abruptly c/d but carrier still on for a long time
4774,944  0012  R Tarma
4814,965  0016  t R Dif Londrina
4865,030  0018  OID R Verdes Florestas w mx
4925,223  0019  t R Educ Rural, Tefé
5024,901  0023  OID R Quillabamba w heavy QRM from Rebelde
5035,005  0023  OID Brazil, Aparecida? (also stn on 5035,040)


Log 21 Jan 2012

NA and LA during night. Recording ckeck later.

1130  0141  WBBR New York NY also Brazil here
1470  0116  YVSY R Vibración
1520  0127  HJLI Libertad

6184,988  0803  R Educación, Mexico  Q2-3
6204,985  0939  Sluwe Vos R Q3
6301,936  0807  R Altrex accordian and pop mx, then 6302,016  Q2-3
6315,175  0904  Cupid R  testing audio with 700 w S4
6324,475  0915  Zeewolf with a SK10 and 25 w Q2-3
6379,997  0820  OID  no id before c/d 0831 Q1-2
6518,791  0833  OID lots of accordian mx, slowly drifting up. c/d an houre later no id Q2-3
6930,034  0816  IMR  Q3
6969,978  0816  Laser Hot Hits  Q2

Log 20 Jan 2012

NA and LA during the night. Recording check later.


Log 19 Jan 2012

1060  2133  tent WQOM Natick MA started to come up from the bip-signal
1140  2130  CBI Sydney NS w good signal
1240  2149  CKIM Baie Verte NL
1290  2327  YVLF R Puerto Cabello also other stations here
1360  2254  WDRC Hartford CT "Talk of CT"
1370  2246  WDEA Ellsworth ME
1390  2302  WEGP Presque Isle ME also other NA here
1400  2359  CBG Gander NL w local id
1510  2227  WWZN Boston MA "Revolution Boston"
1520  2209  tent WIZZ Greenfield MA w NOS
1560  2205  WQEW New York NY R Disney strong

At 2135 weak signals also on 1050, 1120, 1130, 1190, 1200, 1230


Log 16 Jan 2012

Did not listen at all to day. Been checking some PAX96 recordings instead.


Log 15 Jan 2012

1310  0800  CIWW Ottawa ON  News 13-10
1360  0800  WDRC Hartfort CT
1390  0700  WEGP Presque Isle ME
1400  0700  CBG Gander NL
1410  0800  WPOP Hartford CT w ESPN
1460  0757  WDDY Albany NY
1540  0700  KXEL Waterloo IA
1560  0655  WQEW New York NY R Disney
1570  0701  XERF La Poderosa 1570, Cd Acuna CO

1368  0800  Manx R, Douglas
1431  0800  Gold

6285,013  1145  OID
6289,731  1158  OID
6294,008  1210  Free R Victoria
6304,972  1332  R Osaka
6304,991  1206  OID
6305,056  1145  R Paardenkracht very strong
6305,062  1202  OID
6305,170  1225  OID
6422,104  1226  OID R Grutte Pier c/d 1323
6509,993  1322  OID Rising Sun

The antennas was in better shape than I thought. They all survived the storms.

Log 14 Jan 2012

Will continue to work on PAX95 and PAX96 at home now.