
Log 11 March 2012

6172,985  0810  Misti R very good rock, with 18 w Q2
6307,237  0839  R Altrex w mx Q1-2
6325,017  0833  OID very strong, c/d 0843
6924,987  0744  R Pluto  w 4 w then 20 w Q1-3
6930,030  0804  OID IMR  Q2
6969,975  0806  LHH  Q1-2sti R with 18 w, nice old rock Q2
7600,562  0800  FRSH  Q1-2
15770       0940  OID WRI? with 250 kw  Q5

Have removed one antenna 270 degrees. Will take down the 290 later. Season is over.

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