
Log 02 Sept 2011

1641,991  1914  OID w dutch mx Q3
1652,000  2055  OID Q4
1654,99    2057  OID
1670,000  1914  OID greek Q3
3905,081  1817  R Skyline  Q4
3934,950  2119  R Relmus with 60 w Q4
4015,001  2145  LHH Q4
6207,144  2220  R Caroline/Rainbow  Q4
6219,957  1714  R Merlin Int Q3
6285,007  2046  R Powerliner moved from 6302 Q4
6290,677  1726  R Caroline/Rainbow Q3-4
6295,05    1936  R FSM Q3-4
6302,006  2024  R Powerliner  Q4
6303,837  1927  OID w mx Q3
6304,704  1713  R Alice strong w mx Q4
6305,260  2045  R Altrex Q2-3
6322,923  1924  R Zodiac  Q3-4
6323,963  1813  Fox 48 w mx, c/d w out ID Q2
6419,974  2010  OID
6422,001  1741  OID BBR w swedish and C&W mx Q4
6484,950  2022  OID Premier R Q1-2
6523,695  1847  R Ramona Q2
6920,000  2139  R Trans Europe  Q4
6990,490  2140  Lightning R  Q1-2
12170,000  2224  OID R Shoreline very weak
12805,023  1736  R Spaceshuttle barley audioble

1050         0311  OID 2 NA stn one was ESPN R
1080         0311  OID WTIC under SER
1130         0315  WBBR New York NY w Bloomberg
1180         0311  OID ss
1200         0316  OID 2 NA stn ON+MA?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi,

    lot of thanks for such log of us this evening!!!

    Best wishes,
    Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.

  2. Hi there,

    thanks also for such log of us on 6207kcs!!

    Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.
