on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö:
1350 2206 I AM R w ee news
1611 1543 R Malibu strong, cd 1545
1611 1840 OID
1615 2033 Turftrekker
1619 1936 OID cd 1937
1620 0846 Zwarte Arabier
1620 1645 OID
1620 1937- OID
1620 -1943 OID
1620 1955- Zender Daniel bad mod and drifting up, cd 2002
1620 2008- Zender Daniel cd 2011
1620 2024- OID cd 2026
1621 2040 OID Zender Daniel?
1625 2121 de Derde Man
1628 2139 OID tlk 2145
1629 1843 OID cd 1933
1629 1945- Wipkikker cd 1948
1629 -1954 Friesepiraat
1629 2002- Wipkikker w greetings to me :-) then report to Friesepiraat and Daniel, cd 2006
1629 2013 Wipkikker cd 2017
1629 2122- OID cd 2023
1630 1547 OID id R Moscow?
1630 2018- OID cd 2021
1634 1701 OID
1635 1840 Keizer and Keizerin
1643 2214 Blueman R cd 2236
1643 2238- OID at 2302 moved to 1635 and cd 2308
1646 1647 Zwarte Bizon prob same as 1630 just before
1646 1708- OID cd 1710
1648 2128 R Moby Dick id 2154
1650 1625 OID
1650 1654 OID pop, cd 1655
1650 -1704 R Omega
1650 1705- R Digital cd 1707
1653 2158- R Lotus cd 2211
1655 1840 OID
1655 1926 R Batevier
1660 1711- OID
1664 1638- OID
1665 1754 OID strong
1670 -1641 OID greek
1670 1925 R Relmus QRM from Greek
1670 2246 R Kristal cd 2216
1670 2301 R Nordzee
1700 1623 OID greek
1721 2308 OID
1759 2045 OID R Kondor
3895 2132 Technical Man very strong, id 2142
3905 1724 OID
3905 1919 OID
3905 2030 OID
3905 -2118 R Superstar id and cd
3905 2119- OID
3905 2224 R Deprimo
3930 1559 Mike R w Gary Moore, id 1602
3932 2030 R Bella Italia
4029 1725 LHH
6005 0953 R Belarus
6070 0820 R Waves Int
6085 0817 R Mi Amigo
6150 0814 Europa 24
6190 0809 Hamburger Lokalradio
6200 0931 OID
6210 1354 R Komitern
6210 0759- R King SW
6220 0855 OID cd 0857, on 0858 at 0900 moved to 6221 at 0901 moved to 6222 at 0907 back to 6220 then cd again 0909
6220 1434 R Zwarte Non
6225 1510 R Casanova Int strong
6235 1513 RWI
6240 1109 OID
6255 1313 OID disco, moved up to 6260
6259 1011 OID
6265 1519- Zwarte Panter very strong
6285 1124 R Monique very short mx then carrier again, on at 1127
6290 1404 R Telstar Int strong
6290 1505 Free R Victoria strong
6295 1010 OID
6305 1010 R Merlin at times good
6305 1321 R Underground
6322 1353 R Altrex w Muh
6325 1117 R NMD very strong
6325 1325 R Altrex Mr Muh
6325 1418 R Altrex cd 1420
6325 1515 Little Feat AM
6380 1236 R Lowland strong signal, cd 1237
6380 1241- R Zeewolf strong signal, cd 1248
6380 1249- R Lowland strong signal, cd 1255
6380 1256- OID
6380 1348 Baken 16
6380 -1403 OID
6389 0912 Studio 52 at times good signal here
6390 1350 Studio 52 & Erdemann
6423 1238- Studio 52 very strong, cd 1254?
6480 1348 R Orion 2000
6910 1227 Moose AM only 8 w
6930 1403 R Orion 2000
6965 0907 OID very weak
7490 1022 Vo the Netherlands
9900 1200 Shortwaveservice test trnsm from unknown location
2485 1850 ABC Nothern Territory, Katheringe
3255 1852 BBC Meyerton
3955 1915 R Taiwan Int, Woofferton w gg
4835 1850 ABC Nothern Territory, Alice Springs
4885 1819 Echo of Hope
4930 1855 VOA Selebi-Phikwe
5875 1854 BBC Nakhon Sawan
5895 1536 BBC Tashkent w ee
5910 1854 BBC Al Seela
5925 1900 VoIRI Sirjan
6090 1852 BBC Al Seela
6190 1852 BBC Meyerton
6195 1536 BBC Al Seela w ee
7215 1433 KBS w ee
7235 1223 VOA Tinian Island
7305 1900 VoIRI Sirjan
7445 1854 BBC Talata w ee
7465 1536 BBC Kranj w ee
7475 1635 RFE/RL Udon Thani
7510 1503 t KTWR Agana
9410 1536 BBC Al Seela weaker w ee
9490 1223 VOA Tinang
9700 1631 Vatican R Santa Maria de Galeria
9800 1210 t KSDA Guam
9820 1608 DW Meyerton w ee
9880 1210 t KSDA Guam
9880 1429 R Romania
9915 1855 BBC Woofferton
9920 1210 t FEBC Iba
9920 1539 BBC Nakhon Thani
9930 1210 t Living the Bible, Saipan
11570 1223 VOA Tinang
11625 1633 Vatican R Talata weak
11635 1539 BBC Kranj
11635 1637 t TWR Africa, Grigoriopol
11660 1637 t TWR Africa, Manzini
11810 1855 BBC Ascension
11830 1635 RFE/RL Lamperthem
11910 1539 BBC Nakhon Thani
11935 1631 Vatican R Santa Maria de Galeria
11975 1431 R Romania
11985 1429 R Romania
12065 1501 R Australia, Shepparton
12085 1501 R Australia, Shepparton
12095 1540 BBC Talata
13765 1633 Vatican R Santa Maria de Galeria
15165 1610 DW Issoudun
15275 1610 DW Tricomalee
15290 1608 DW Issoudun w ee
15310 1431 R Romania
15315 1608 DW Issoudun w ee
15420 1540 BBC Meyerton
15580 1425 VOA Selebi-Phikwe
15600 1425 VOA Woofferton
17640 1220 BBC Ascension w ff
17780 1220 BBC Meyerton w ff
17870 1425 VOA Lampertheim
17885 1425 VOA Pinheira w ee
9460 9600 9645 9760 11650 11690 12015 13665 13790 17490 CRI w ee at 1215
5970, 6055, 7350, 7360, 9645 CRI w ff at 1910
6020, 7385 CRI w Albanian at 1913
590 2350 VOCM St John's NL
660 2342 WFAN New York NY
1030 2351 WBZ Boston MA
1130 2325 WBBR New York NY Blomberg news
1140 2330 CBI Sydney NS w vx
4747 2322 R Huanta 2000
4775 2321 R Tarma w com
4955 2325 R Cultura Amauta
Brazil on 4845 4865 4875 4885 4925 4965
At 0853 still NA signals on MW.
on Kiwi-SDR in Leidsche:
1620 1148 Zender Johan cd 1149
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