
Log 22 January 2024

new MKVKs Kiwi-SDR Hallandsås Sweden, 700m w termination:

  570  0752  CFCB Corner Brook NL w vx, also CtC stn here  
  950  2148  OID WKDN gone after 2200
  970  2246  WZAN Portland ME
  990  2259  CBY Corner Brook NL w local id
1140  0500  WRVA Richmond VA
1200  0447  WXKS Newton MA "WBZ 1030"
1230  0446  WSBB New Smyrna Beach FL
1230  2300  WCMC Wildwood NJ "WMID"
1230  0001  WJOY Burlington VT
1240  0430  WMMB Melbourne FL
1270  0404  OID "This is the Word" w rel tlk
1270  0405  OID W-id then music, over rel tlk
1270  0406  WTSN Dover NH took over from above
1360  0400  WDRC Hartford CT
1400  0032  OID rel prob Harbour Lights
1430  0556  WENE Endicott NY "Fox Sports 1430"

Now I have identified 126 NA stations from this SDR-kiwi.

Kiwi-SDR Arvika Sweden with 100m longwire:

1629  0913  Robin Hood (1629,06) 
5140  0609  Charleston R Int (5139,96) 

4885, 4940, 4985 strong at 0610

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