
Log 28 January 2025

new MKVKs Kiwi-SDR Hallandsåsen Sweden, 700m 297 degrees w termination: 

1480  0642  WPWC Dumfries-Triangle VA "Brava 14-80"

new MKVKs Kiwi-SDR Hallandsåsen Sweden, 500m 333 degrees w termination: 


Kiwi-SDR Arvika Sweden with 100m longwire w termination:

1269  0628  COPE Zamora
1467  2100  R Paradijs id then Veronica nx
1539  0620  R Elche
1584  0622  R Gandia
1611  0600  OID (1611,01) 
1611  1611  OID (1610,97) 
1620  0754- OID (1619,97) 
1620  1611  OID (1620,06) 
1620  2035  Marjanne (1619,97) QRM greek
1635  0550  Zeelandia (1635,04) cd 0659
1638 -2041  OID (1637,97) 
1656  1612  OID (1655,99) 
5880  2103  R Rock Revolution (5879,96) wide carrier, not the best audio

1530  0712  OID ESPN spt, WCKY Cincinnati OH and a few others here
1650  0700  WJFV Portsmouth VA w QRM from CINA

6185  0753  R Educación, Mexico (6184,92) w jazz

Kiwi-SDR SDXF, Hököpinge, Sweden with 8x30m Super KAZ:

  801  0625  RNE1 Burgos
1341  0620  R León

Kiwi-SDR Parkalompolo, Sweden with 820m longwire 298 degrees:

  810  1615  OID AIR Rajkot strong for a few minutes
  930  1618  Azad Kashmir R, Mirpur tlk about Pakistan, QSL very quickly

1090  0613  OID two stations here
1090  0623  KPTR Seattle WA w spt 
1160  0629  KSL Salt Lake City UT and QRM from REL
1230  0700  CBC R 1 so CFFB/CHFC
1390  0603  WEGP Presque Isle ME

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