
Log 15 Dec 2011

Nice NA signals around midnight, stronger than usualy. Kept on during the night. Best NA signals this season for me.

  730  0440  CKAC Montreal QU "R Circualación" id and com
  850  0020  WEEI Boston MA id and com
  880  0026  WCBS New York NY w some bowling
  930  0015  CFBC St John NB w bingo then animal rescue com
  950  0012  CKNB Campbellton NB  id between songs
1010  0256  CFRB Toronto ON  "News Talk 10-10" and WINS behind
1010  0259  WINS New York NY up w vx and id
1020  0307  KDKA Pittsburgh PA id after nx
1030  0500  WBZ Boston MA
1050  0300  WEPN New York NY
1050  0301  CHUM Toronto ON
1060  0258  OID NA, KYW?
1060  0254  XEEP R Educación, Mexico DF w nice id
1100  0534  WTAM Cleveland OH
1110  0502  WBT Charlotte NC
1120  0506  KMOX St Louis MO
1130  0312  WBBR New York NY
1140  0500  CBI Sydney NS w CBC nx
1160  0500  WYLL Chicago IL  Chicagos christian talk
1190  0501  WLIB New York NY
1200  0122  CFGO Ottawa ON w com and id
1200  0514  CFGO Ottawa ON  "Team 1200"
1290  0200  CJBK London ON, several stations here (ESPN, TLK, TLK, ss...)
1300  0105  WOOD Grand Rapids MI id after nx "Wood 1300", also at 2236
1310  0201  CIWW Ottawa ON strong w nx o vx "News 13-10"
1360  2300  WDRC Hartford CT
1370  0231  WDEA Ellsworth ME also at 2238
1380  0215  CKPC Brantsford ON id & vx "Country 13-80"
1400  2300  CBG Gander NL w CBC nx

Have some OID to check later. Among them:

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