The last 100 m seem to have made some difference. I think europeans are weaker and TA fq is easier to hear now.
Lots of NA also this night. OID at: 610, 640, 650, 740, 760, 770, 790, 830....
620 0329 CKCM Grand Falls NL w VOCM id
660 0400 WFAN New York NY
680 0444 CFTR Toronto ON "6-80 News"
710 0419 CKVO CLarenville NL w Clarenville com, id also 0711
730 0439 CKAC Montreal QU "R Circulación"
750 0700 CBGY Bonavista NL w CBC nx
800 0400 CKLW Windsor ON and also CHRC at times
840 0640 WHAS Louisville KY
1390 0025 WEGP Pewsque Isle ME
3355,002 0003 OID LA w mx
675 0700 NRK had problems w weather report
693 0700 R Rossii up throu BBC R 5 Live
702 0700 NDR Info
756 0700 BBC R Cumbria
765 0700 R Rossii strong as always
783 0700 MDR Info
792 0700 BBC R Ulster
792 0700 Gold
801 0700 BBC R Devon
828 0700 R 10 Gold
837 0700 BBC R Cumbria
5800,028 0812 FRSH //7600 Q3
5820,030 0811 R Orion Q5
6200,003 0820 R Urang Utang Q3
6220,012 0819 R Spaceshuttle Q4 0846 down to 6216,006
6282,865 0820 R Altrex Q2
6289,877 0840 R Alpenroos send Henk a SMS Q4
6300 0825 R Black Power w bad modulation
6324,982 0820 R Misti Q3
6385,280 0830 R Grutte Pier
6930,032 0902 OID IMR Q4
6969,980 0859 LHH Q3
7599,983 0818 FRSH //5800 Q4
9479,990 0904 R Saxonia not as strong as they us to be Q4
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