on MKVKs Kiwi-SDR in Vellinge outside Malmö Sweden:
Have recordings from most stations today.
1611 1514 R Omega (1610,98) cd 1517
1611 1612 R Omega (1610,98) QSO Klaub, Admiraal, cd 1613
1611 1929 R Polydor (1610,94-93-92) in QRM w RNS, id at 2013
1612 1606 OID (1612,08-06)
1612 1613 OID (1612,02-01)
1618 1356 OID (1617,98) cd 1357
1618 1405- OID (1617,98) QSO Pontiac, Interpool, Utopia, cd 1407
1620 1401- OID Utopia (1619,99) QSO, cd 1404
1620 1739 R Mustang (1619,97) cd 1741
1620 1756 R Mustang (1619,97)
1620 1941 OID Turftrekker (1620,07)
1620 1944 R Uniek (1620,01-99) wide carrier, drifting down
1622 0622- OID Kayee? (1621,98) QSO Nordzee, Barcelona, cd 0624
1622 0632- OID (1621,98) cd 0635
1622 2117 R Batavia (1621,99) id at 2149, cd 2150
1629 0618- Bonanza (1629,01) cd 0622
1629 0627- Bonanza (1629,01) QSO Kayee?, cd 0630
1629 1358- OID R Pontiac (1629,00) QSO, cd 1400
1629 1515 Edelkampioen (1628,98) report to Pontiac, Omega
1629 1728- Edelkampioen (1628,98) QSO Blackstone, Dageraad
1629 1743- Edelkampioen (1628,98) QSO cd 1746
1630 1537 OID (1629,97) heavy splash from 1629, cd 1539
1630 1757 R Anton (1629,97) id at 1941
1633 0605- R Nordzee (1632,98) wide carrier, QSO, cd 0607
1633 0611- R Nordzee (1632,98) wide carrier, QSO Rockabilly, cd 0614
1638 1618 OID (1638,39) weak
1639 1751 OID (1638,65-56) drifting, cd 1756
1640 1733 OID (1639,99) cd 1935 when Dageraad started
1640 1954 Odynn (1640,00)
1641 1721 Dageraad (1640,92) drifting down, wide carrier, wobbeling, QSO cd 1726
1641 1735- Dageraad (1640,95) drifting down, wide carrier, wobbeling, QSO cd 1740
1645 0608- Rockabilly (1645,25) QSO Nordzee, cd 0610
1645 0614- Rockabilly (1645,25) QSO Nordzee, cd 0616
1645 0624- Rockabilly (1645,26) QSO Nordzee, Barcelona, cd 0627
1645 1720 OID (1645,00) cd 1721
1645 1742 OID Jan Tabak (1644,98) cd 1750
1646 1523- Zwarte Bizon (1645,99) cd 1533
1646 1539- Zwarte Bizon (1645,99) QSO, cd 1542
1646 1950 Zwarte Bizon (1645,99)
1647 1726 Blackstone (1647,00) QSO cd 1728
1648 -0603 OID (1647,97)
1650 1515 OID (1649,99) wide carrier
1650 1533- OID Daharat (1649,98) wide carrier, QSO Zwarte Bizon, cd 1537
1653 2025 R Digital (1653,32)
1660 1720 OID (1659,97) latino mx
1665 2006 Polkaman (1659,98) id at 2115
1684 2005 OID (1684,15)
3905 2044- R Alice (3905,05)
4065 2242 OID Channel Z, USA (4064,96) weak audio coming throu
4895 1555 D-Wave SW (4894,93)
5840 0652 WMR (5839,94)
6205 0638 LHH (6204,96)
6210 0704 R King SW (6209,83-84-87)
6220 1809 LHH (6219,96)
6245 1716 R Waves Int (6244,65) in ff
6256 0806 OID (6255,91) cd 0851
6256 1409 OID (6255,91)
6265 1411- OID (6265,07) 1 sec of music at 1410
6265 1442 OID 2 stn 6265,03 and 6265,06, one was R Dr Tim (6265,06)
6285 0639 Coast FM (6284,93)
6295 1026 Ronnie (6294,94-92)
6305 1259 R Europe (6305,01-99-88)
6305 1318 R Monique (6305,02)
6310 1559 Enterprise R (6309,95)
6320 0647 Focus Int (6319,85)
6375 0637 Harmony R (6374,92)
6400 1635 R Panda (6399,95)
6875 1648 R Europe (6875,03) id at 1715
6915 0724 KCR (6914,93)
on SDXFs Kiwi-SDR in Loo outside Alingsås, Sweden:
4900 0739 Bandido R (4900,00) weak, cd 0833
5761 1140 OID (5761,01) weak
5840 0714 WMR (5839,99) also at 1237
6160 1239 SW R 6160, Winsen (6160,00)
6190 0853 Hamburger lokalradio (6189,99)
6210 0712 R King SW (6209,90)
6240 1413 R Waves Int (6239,95)
6256 0810 OID (6255,96) cd 0851
6256 1414 OID (6255,96)
6290 1017 OID (6290,48) cd 1024
6290 1156 R Skywire (6290,48)
6295 1018 Ronnie (6295,01) greetz to LHU and id at 1030
6300 1205 Ronnie (6300,01)
6300 1229 R Europe (6299,87) id in several language
6305 0809 R Merlin Int (6305,08)
6310 1240 OID R Enterprise (6310,00) weak
6325 1154 The Ghoul (6325,25)
6395 1134 OID R Nova? (6394,96) cd 1226 no id
6915 0911 KCR (6914,98)
7255 1200- Studio 52, (7255,00) using 100 kw
6195 0914 NHK R Japan, Cypress Creek (6195,00)
on SK3W's Kiwi-SDR in Färnebo, Sweden:
6265 1916 Little Feat R (6265,04)
6295 1833 Crazy Wave R (6294,92)
6316 1304 OZNRH (6315,81) moved to 6313,81 id at 1319
6390 1916 OID R 102 (6389,96)
6920 1952 CWR (6919,91) using 50 w
6950 1951 R Quadzilla (6949,98)
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